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To get the best Mizar experience you'll need to configure it to your custom needs.

1. The Admin Panel#

Mizar can be fully configured using the admin panel. You can reset the entire configuration on the General Settings page, or individual modules on their respective tab

2. General Settings#

Go through the whole General Settings page. You can set your prefix and timezone here, as well as where to send bot admin messages and whether to send the changelog when Mizar is updated (recommended)

3. NSFW Commands#

By default, NSFW classed commands will only be accessible in NSFW channels. Depending on your use case, you may want to disable this as it may be too restrictive. See the Search/Wikipedia, Search/Urban and Random/Inspire commands to configure restrictions

4. Joining and Leaving Module#

The joining and leaving module can send custom messages and assign roles when a user joins or leaves your guild. You can also enable user persistence (keeping a user's roles and nickname if they leave) and setup the invite, captcha and raid protection system

5. Levelling Module#

You may wish to enable the levelling module, which will keep track of how many messages each person has sent and how long they have spent in voice. Although there is a levelling and rank system, this can be separately disabled if wanted. Note that this will only track messages/time when it is enabled!

6. Moderation Module#

Mizar can provide moderation tools such as mutes, tempbans, modmail and message purging. It can also keep an audit log of all actions taken

7. Extra Mizar Users#

Mizar offers several extra bot users which enables it to play music or TTS in multiple channels at once. This is an optional feature, and can be configured on the General Settings page

8. Removing Mizar#

If you want to remove Mizar (๐Ÿ˜ž), ensure that you unmute all users and then just kick Mizar. Your settings will be kept for up to a week until they are permanently deleted, however be aware that they may be deleted at any point before then. Remember that everything that Mizar is running (including tempbans and reaction rules) will be stopped