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Custom Commands

Custom commands can be used to truly customize Mizar. Add your own responses to messages that match a phrase or regex filter and create short commands which can be used to prefill normal command arguments


Triggers are the event that causes the custom command to run. They can be one of the following:

  • Command - Treated as a regular command and will return errors as normal. Can be used to prefill existing command arguments, e.g. '!playlist' can be a shortcut for '!play Faded'
  • Phrase - Will trigger if any user sends a message containing a case-sensitive phrase. * and ? can be used as wildcards
  • Regex - Advanced use only - will trigger if a user sends a message that matches a Regular Expression. Please see Regexr for more details and to test your Regex


Actions are the events that will be executed when the command is triggered:

  • Command - A Mizar command that will be run, without any prefix. Must include all arguments. No errors will be shown if the trigger is a phrase or regex
  • Message - A custom message that will be sent


Restrictions can be used to limit the custom command to a certain channel/user. They work in exactly the same way as other Mizar restrictions do, except no errors will be shown if the trigger is a phrase or regex. Please see the restrictions page for more information.